Parks & Gardens of France nr. 8.

Parks & Gardens of France n ° 8.

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Contents: Parks and Gardens of the Normandy region.


Parks & Gardens of France n°8

Designed by the founders of the magazine L'Art des Jardins with the support of the Committee of Parks and Gardens of France, this magazine highlights a region of France, with reports on the most beautiful gardens and those which contribute to their influence , landscapers, nurserymen, artisans and craftspeople, creators... while testifying to its cultural and tourist news.
The magazine includes a notebook of information and news on the initiatives of the CPJF and the regional associations of parks and gardens that it brings together, thus serving as a link between all its members across France.
A valuable source of information for all garden lovers…

Summary of this n°8: Normandy

The Normandy region is the recent administrative meeting of Lower Normandy and Upper Normandy, i.e. the departments of Calvados, Eure, Manche, Orne and Seine-Maritime bringing together a wide panorama of gardens , castle parks and properties redeveloped by large municipalities, regions and departments.
In order to guide your explorations over time, we suggest detailing the centers of interest through this guide, allowing us to highlight our suggested discovery routes around as many places as possible.

In this edition we offer you a map of the Normandy region, which lists by location and color codes the different gardens to discover and several themes cited in the pages of this magazine in addition to descriptions of the most beautiful gardens in the region based on our reports .

This special issue Parks & Gardens of France - Normandy brings together 148 pages entirely dedicated to the parks and gardens of the region and to the talents who promote the art of gardens there.

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