New edition of Parcs & Jardins de France Editorial

New edition of Parcs & Jardins de France

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

From the end of November, we will be offering two new special issue Parks & Gardens of France dedicated to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

The Parcs & Jardins de France special edition collection, designed in partnership with the Committee of Parks and Gardens of France, continues with a new edition offering a complete panorama of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

By listing the remarkable gardens and all the places that we wanted to mention in this edition, to prepare our thematic routes and our proposals for discovery, botanical or cultural walks, we realized that everything would not fit in a single volume . In view of our choices of circuits and themes, splitting the region did not make sense and it was finally two publications that we decided to chain to cover all the richness of the gardens of the Mediterranean fringe and its Alpine foothills.

The first volume will appear at the end of November, the second in mid-January.
We have updated our subscription offer to include these two new features in a special offer that you can order now.

These special issues will also be offered in press stores and directly on this site.

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