New edition of Parks & Gardens of France Editorial

New edition of Parks & Gardens of France

Limousin Poitou-Charentes

Here comes the 5th special issue Parks & Gardens of France dedicated to the Limousin Poitou-Charentes region.

The Parks & Gardens of France special edition collection, designed in partnership with the Committee of Parks and Gardens of France, continues with a new edition offering a complete panorama of the Limousin Poitou-Charentes region.

This first volume devoted to New Aquitaine focuses on its northern part with the former administrative regions of Limousin and Poitou-Charentes, which extend from the Massif Central to the Atlantic Ocean and no less than seven departments – Charente, Charente- Maritime, Corrèze, Creuse, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne and Haute-Vienne.

Our thematic routes and our proposals for discovery, botanical or cultural walks will take you, in particular, to the regular parks of the castles of Poitou-Charentes, to remarkable arboretums such as La Sédelle or the enclosed gardens of Préfons in Limousin, inspired by the precepts of the garden. in motion by landscape gardener Gilles Clément, in the gardens of lovers of roses and botanical collections, in the gardens that showcase art and land art.
This guide also references all the remarkable gardens in these regions, and there is plenty of up-to-date information on the events of the 2022 season.

This special issue will be published on May 13, its distribution to newsagents being however limited to the regions concerned. You can order it directly here or discover our subscription offer so you don't miss any of our future editions. In preparation for the coming months, Brittany…

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