L'Art des Jardins n°56 is published Editorial

L'Art des Jardins n°56 is published

Special climate change edition

With a special file of more than 100 pages on the consequences of climate change for our gardens, with dozens of testimonies from scientists, landscapers, nurserymen and gardeners...

Like in a disaster movie, the planet is seeing the devastating effects of extreme climatic conditions repeat themselves, which were once more exceptional. In our regions, prolonged heat waves, repetitive droughts, sudden tornadoes, particularly violent floods, new imbalances are inscribing their mark on the landscape and calling into question the hitherto rather quiet course of our gardens, to the point of transforming the composition as well as the techniques implemented for their design and maintenance.
This winter issue of L'Art des Jardins revives its large format and its original logo. You will also find there the news of the season and the agenda this beginning of the year.

Please note: L'Art des Jardins is only present in 2651 points of sale in France, and it is possible that this issue will quickly be unavailable in the press section. Do not hesitate to order it directly on this site and to subscribe so as not to miss any of the publications of the year.

The next spring issue will appear on March 25.

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