n°28 - March 2016

Our March 2016 issue.

Summary: landscape designer Timothy Vaughan's garden, our selction of perenials to match with topiairies, the romantic garden of Pesselières' castle, the beautiful rebirth of Domaine de Poulaines, a garden of succulents in Burgundy, our new section of landscape design notebooks, camellias, discovery : the gardens of Marrakech and its surroundings…


Our March 2016 issue.

Summary: landscape designer Timothy Vaughan's garden, our selction of perenials to match with topiairies, the romantic garden of Pesselières' castle, the beautiful rebirth of Domaine de Poulaines, a gadren of succulents in Burgundy, our new section of landscape design notebooks, camellias, discovery : the gardens of Marrakech and its surroundings…

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